Israel's Supreme Court To Hear Gay Marriage Case
Published Wednesday, April 05, 2006 by Unknown | E-mail this post

(Jerusalem) The Supreme Court of Israel announced Wednesday that it will hear an appeal by five same-sex couples married in Canada who want those marriages recognized at home.
Oral arguments in the case will be heard May 28th.
In a rare move the court said the case will be heard by seven justices. Usually only three justices hear arguments in cases brought before the high court.
A decision could take months or possibly more than a year, Onn Stock, one of the lawyers involved in the case told
"Of course we hope it will not take too long for the decision, but regardless of the time period, we hope for a successful outcome," stock said.
He said he will argue that even though same-sex marriage is not permitted in Israel legal marriages performed outside the country should be recognized in the Jewish state.
For the remainder of the article, click Malcolm Thornberry, European Bureau Chief
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