New JTS head favors gay rabbis, but calls halachah ‘non-negotiable’ (JTA News)
Published Tuesday, April 11, 2006 by Unknown | E-mail this post

NEW YORK, April 11 (JTA) — In his first interview with the U.S. Jewish media after being named the next chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary, Arnold Eisen told JTA he favors allowing gays and lesbians to become Conservative rabbis.
“My personal opinion is that I would like to see these processes end up with the ordination of gays and lesbians,” he said. “But I might be outvoted.”
The Conservative movement in recent years has been roiled by this hot-button issue. The movement’s central halachic authority, the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, has debated the issue at length and has scheduled a vote for December.
Still, Eisen said, despite pressures to resolve the issue,...
For full article, click here.By Chanan Tigay
April 11, 2006
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