Published Tuesday, February 27, 2007 by Unknown.

Last December, the American Jewish Committee issued a 30-odd page pamphlet by Alvin
H. Rosenfeld entitled "'
Progressive' Jewish Thought and the New Anti-Semitism." Among his
targets are pote Adrienne Rich, Tony Judt, director of the Remarque Institute at New York
University, and Angels in America playwright Tony Kushner.
I don't agree with the views of all the people cited in the AJCommittee pamphlet
(Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein come to mind). But I find it repulsive that
individuals like Rosenfeld paint the entirely of us who identify as progressive with the broad
brush of "self-hatred," or "Jewish anti-Semitism." I am also fristrated (but hardly surprised)
that, in Rosenfeld's eyes, the only "progressive" views worth discussing are those relating to
Israel. The rest of the progressive agenda is, it would seem, irrelevent.
So it was a great relief to find this OpEd piece, written by Rob Eshman, editor-in-chief of
the Jewish Journal (Los Angeles). It is entitled "Shutting Jewish Mouths." There is a link to
it below.
Click here for the OpEd piece...Any thoughts?